Observatório da Educação: an investigation of Teacher Professional Development of Mathematics Teachers


  • Angélica da Fontoura Garcia Silva Universidade Bandeirante Anhanguera UNIBAN
  • Tania Maria Mendonça Campos Universidade Bandeirante Anhanguera UNIBAN
  • Ruy Cesar Pietropaolo Universidade Bandeirante Anhanguera UNIBAN




This paper aims to present the results of an investigation regarding the professional development of teachers who worked in the early years of basic education. The qualitative research involved teachers who participated in the Observatório da Educação project (MEC/CAPES). Because of the data amount, we choose to present the data analysis based on the work of only one teacher, who is considered as a legitimate representative of the whole group. All data were collected through direct observations, recordings, questionnaires, interviews and reflective relatorios on the implementation of the activities to their students. Data analysis was based on Ponte, Garcia, Shulman and Serrazina studies, researchers that study the development and professional knowledge or reflection. This study reveals that the experiences during the training process favored the redefinition process of mathematical content and teaching beyond reflection on practice.


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