Understanding the practices of mathematics teacher educators who focus on issues of equity


  • Laura McLeman University of MIchigan-Flint Department of Mathematics
  • Eugenia Vomvoridi-Ivanovic College of Education Dept of Secondary Education University of South Florida




Most mathematics teacher educators (MTEs) would agree that teachers must be prepared to provide equitable mathematics instruction to all their students. However, to date, there is not a wide database regarding the practice of MTEs who play an integral role in this preparation. In this paper we argue that additional information is needed about the approaches in which MTEs have addressed or incorporated equity as a core part of the preparation of teachers. We further argue for the importance of developing a research agenda that examines the practices of MTEs who teach through a lens of equity, the goal of which would be to build models of professional development that prepare and support other MTEs to develop this specialized knowledge.

Keywords: mathematics teacher educators, practice, equity, research


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Author Biographies

Laura McLeman, University of MIchigan-Flint Department of Mathematics

Laura McLeman
Assistant Professor

403E Murchie Science Building

Phone: (810) 237-6656
Web site:

Ph.D. in Teaching and Teacher Education, University of Arizona (2009)

Areas of interest: Secondary mathematics teacher preparation, teacher professional development, mathematics education of underserved populations.

Eugenia Vomvoridi-Ivanovic, College of Education Dept of Secondary Education University of South Florida

Dr. Eugenia Vomvoridi-Ivanovic

Assistant Professor

(813) 974-1971

(813) 974-3837 Fax


Office: 308M


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