Cultural Practices of Migrant Students in a Public University. A Case Study




This article explores the cultural practices of migrant students in a Peruvian public university to understand their academic and social adaptation and integration. Through a phenomenological case study approach and semi-structured interviews, three categories were identified: cultural adaptation, changes in cultural practices, and social problems. The results show that migrant students experienced significant changes in their dress, language, and cultural preferences when interacting with the culture of Trujillo, adopting integration strategies such as support networks and active participation. However, some reported experiences of discrimination and exclusion. The study underlines the importance of the university environment and institutional initiatives to facilitate cultural adaptation, suggesting policies of inclusion and respect for cultural diversity, aligned with UNESCO principles and the 2030 Agenda, to prevent discrimination and support the well-being and academic performance of migrant students.


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How to Cite

Campechano-Escalona, E. J., Orbegoso-Dávila, L. A. ., Benites Carranza, G. M., Verastegui Acuña, I. N., & Díaz-de-Campechano, I. C. . (2024). Cultural Practices of Migrant Students in a Public University. A Case Study. Qualitative Research in Education, 13(3), 201–220.


