Alternative Grit Models: Explorations Into the Psychometric Properties of Grit-S and Academic Performance





Grit, the passion for achieving long-term goals, has been conceived as a two-dimensional construct (Consistency of interest and Perseverance of effort). The construct is well known for its easy measurement and its relationship with performance, including academic performance. However, there have been different criticisms, such as the overlap of grit with other personality characteristics, the variability in the psychometric structure of the Grit-O and Grit-S tests, and the fact that some work reports a weak influence of grit on academic performance. Within this framework, this study contrasts different psychometric structures of the Grit-S scale and its relationship with the academic performance of higher education students. So, with this purpose, a dichotomous model of high and low grit, a K-medias clustering model, and three structural equation models have been tested. The results indicate that (a) there is a statistically significant relationship between grit —mainly determined by the consistency dimension— and academic performance, although it decreases when controlling for contextual variables, and (b) Consistency mediates the relationship between Perseverance and academic performance. The instability of grit to predict performance is discussed, and the thesis of a two-sub-dimensional structure is supported.


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Author Biographies

Miguel Eduardo Uribe-Moreno, Catholic University of Colombia

Pychologist. MSc in Contemporary philosophy. 

Faculty of Psychology. Catolic University, Colombia. 


Iván Felipe Medina-Arboleda, Catholic University of Colombia

Psychologist, MA in Consumer Psychology, PhD in Education.

School of Economic and Administrative Sciences, Corporación Universitaria de Asturias


Suelen Emilia Castiblanco-Moreno, University of La Salle

Economist, MSc and PhD in Interdisciplinary Studies on Development.

Associate professor. La Salle University, Bogotá - Colombia.


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How to Cite

Uribe-Moreno, M. E., Medina-Arboleda, I. F., Guzmán-Rincón, A., & Castiblanco-Moreno, S. E. (2024). Alternative Grit Models: Explorations Into the Psychometric Properties of Grit-S and Academic Performance. International Journal of Educational Psychology, 13(2), 104–123.


