
Barcelona, Research, Art, Creation was founded with the intention of providing a space where the words, images and concepts of young researchers, teachers and professionals working in the theory and practise of contemporary art could be projected.


Multidisciplinary Journal of Gender Studies is a quarterly electronic journal from the Editorial Hipatia that publishes articles both from the results of multidisciplinary research, as well as from essays and theoretical discussions on different aspects of gender and feminism.


Social and Education History aims to closely connect these two fields of study. The journal publishes relevant articles focused on the analysis of societies, the socialization processes, and cultural and educational transmission. Furthermore, it focuses on the study of social change and transformation periods. It includes the analysis of social and pedagogical thought, as well as the teaching of history. It is open to all historical periods and contexts


International Journal of Educational Leadership and Management publishes theoretical and empirical contributions in the area of educational leadership, management and school organization from a multidisciplinary perspective, integrating different educational levels, from research in schools to universities, including formal and non-formal education.


International Journal of Education Psychology has as its main objective the publication of top research in the area of educational psychology which seeks to be applied in a variety of educational contexts, formal and informal, involving different education levels, individuals and groups of all ages.


Masculinities and Social Change publishes articles about international research on masculinity. In this framework, its contributions relate this subject to social change in different aspects: men’s socialization, children and adolescents’ education, the overcoming of gender-based violence, attractiveness models, sexual and affective relationships, sexuality , among others.


Qualitative Research in Education gathers the outcomes from the educational researches carried out in different fields, disciplines and qualitative methodological approaches. These investigations have as a final purpose to improve the educational processes or contexts.


Research on Ageing and Social Policy publishes research outcomes with significant contributions to the understanding and improvement of the social policies related to ageing and the life course.


Journal of Research in Mathematics Education is a quarterly electronic journal edited by Hipatia Press, publishing articles in the field of mathematics education, which makes a significant contribution to the understanding and improvement of the teaching and learning of mathematics.


Multidisciplinar Journal of Educational Research is an open access four-monthly journal of Hipatia Press that publishes research outcomes with significant contributions to the understanding and improvement of the educational processes.


International and Multidisciplinary Journal in Social Sciences is to disseminate scientific knowledge and generate debate in an interdisciplinary context, linking the different areas of social sciences such as anthropology, political science, history, geography, sociology, philosophy.


International Journal of Sociology of Education publishes theoretical articles as well as original research results developed from the sociology of education with different methodological approaches with the aim of offering significant scientific improvements in the socioeducational field.


Social Impact of Research is an Open Access journal which has as its main objective the publication of top research about the social impact of the research in all sciences.The social impact of sciences has been extraordinary throughout human history; from reduction of child mortality or the understanding of the Universe, to the current citizenship awareness on climate change or clarifying the successful social actions. It would not have been possible without scientists dedicating their lives to the progress of knowledge.

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