Guidelines for the presentation of manuscripts

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The following button includes the information in a downloadable PDF file.



Content creators

The presented text must be consistent, and the contents must be clearly organized. You must add a table of contents at the beginning of the manuscript, with the relation of the chapters and the corresponding subchapters.

At the end of the manuscript, you must add the references, followed by the appendix if necessary.


Font and margins

The manuscripts must be sent in a Times New Roman font, 12 points.

The margins of the document will be:

    • Left: 3cm
    • Right: 2,5cm
    • Top: 2,5cm
    • Bottom: 2,5cm
    • Heading: 1,25cm
    • Footnote: 1,25cm

All the manuscript (including notes, bibliography, tables and others) must be double-spaced.


Heading style

The headings of the manuscript must be adjusted to the five levels established by APA, which are the following:


Centred Heading, with Uppercase and Lowercase (level 1)

Centred Heading, with Italics, Uppercase and Lowercase (level 2)

Heading Indented to the Left, with Italics, Uppercase and Lowercase (level 3)

Heading with tabs, italics, lowercase and ending with a period. (level 4)


In-text citations

Literal citations from other sources must follow one the following formats, as applicable according to the text:

Citation 1:

“La insatisfacción de las relaciones basadas, bien en ligar (pasión sin amor), bien en la estabilidad (amor sin pasión), sólo puede superarse uniendo en la misma persona ternura y excitación, amistad y pasión, estabilidad y locura. Por eso, incorpora las direcciones de la teoría de la acción dialógica (donde todas las personas participantes aportan sus conocimientos transformando de forma crítica la realidad afectiva y sexual a partir de la interacción), así como los principios del aprendizaje dialógico (donde se construyen las interpretaciones y organizan las relaciones afectivas sobre la base de los mejores argumentos, sin creer en minorías selectas que conocen e imponen cómo, cuándo y de quién hemos de enamorarnos)” (Gómez, 2004, p. 99).

Citation 2:

Gómez (2004) says that:

La insatisfacción de las relaciones basadas, bien en ligar (pasión sin amor), bien en la estabilidad (amor sin pasión), sólo puede superarse uniendo en la misma persona ternura y excitación, amistad y pasión, estabilidad y locura. Por eso, incorpora las direcciones de la teoría de la acción dialógica (donde todas las personas participantes aportan sus conocimientos transformando de forma crítica la realidad afectiva y sexual a partir de la interacción), así como los principios del aprendizaje dialógico (donde se construyen las interpretaciones y organizan las relaciones afectivas sobre la base de los mejores argumentos, sin creer en minorías selectas que conocen e imponen cómo, cuándo y de quién hemos de enamorarnos). (p. 99)



The tables used in the text must follow this format:

Table X Results achieve in the mathematical competences tests.

Results Class A Class B
High 16 15
Low 10 13

Note: Data in absolute values


Figures and images

The figures used in text must follow this format:

Figure 1. Results achieved in the mathematical competences tests.

Source: Survey of Competences, 2008.



All the documentary sources used in the text of the manuscript must have the corresponding permission for its reproduction in print. The author agrees to search and present the permissions of the images, audio documents and any other media used without being original.



To cite the references, you must use this model:


Flecha, R. (2000). Sharing Words. Theory and Practice of Dialogic Learning, Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.


Banks, J.A. (1989). Multicultural Education: characteristics and goals. En J.A. Banks y C.M. Banks (Eds.), Multicultural education: issues and perspectives (pp. 2-26). Boston: Allyn and Bacon.

Proceedings of a conference:

Aberkane, Y. (2005). Contes mathématiques et résolution de problème: una approche pragmatique de la diversité culturelle (pp. 251-253). Spagnolo, P. (Ed.), Proceedings of CIEAEM 57, Piazza Armerina.

Journal Articles:

Carraher, T. N., Carraher, D. W. & Schliemann, A. D. (1982). Na vida, dez, na escola, zero: os contextos culturais da aprendizagem da matematica. Cadernos de Pesquisa, 42, 79-86.



To ensure the peer review of the evaluators, it is necessary to delete any reference to the author/s of the text, both at the beginning and in the body of the text. These references may be included one the manuscript has been positively assessed and its edition will proceed.


Prior to the final print of the manuscript

It is recommended to consider the following aspects before printing the document prior to sending it:

  1. Ensure that every proper name of people and place is properly written.
  2. Pay attention to special characters and symbols
  3. Ensure that you avoided the gender, ethnicity or other biases.
  4. Ensure that you followed all the rules related to this document.
  5. Ensure that you have all the necessary permission to edit the material, tables or figures which appear in the manuscript.
  6. Review the text in printed format, exhaustively correcting it before printing it and sending it to the publisher.


Dispatch of the manuscript

After carefully following the instructions for the preparation of the manuscript and ensuring that you followed them in the moment of sending it, the manuscript must be sent in printed format and electronically.

Together with the manuscript and in order to preserve anonymity, the following information must be included apart (it is recommended to send it electronically):

  • Presentation letter with the title of the manuscript and a short description of its topic and content (one or two pages is enough).
  • A table explaining the different chapters and contents as a synopsis.
  • Total number of words.
  • Contribution and novelty of the manuscript for the international scientific community.
  • Short curriculum vitae of each author including your affiliation (university), department, previous research and publications.
  • Mailing address and e-mail to send the results of the assessment process.

NOTE: Do not send irreplaceable materials. The publishers do not accept or assume responsibilities of the copies for the manuscripts and any other material sent.