Factors Affecting the Distribution of Information and Communication Technologies in an Egyptian Public University: A Case Study of the Faculty of Education at Ain Shams University
Abstract: This research investigates the three main factors that affect the provision, access, and distribution of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) among senior and junior faculty members in the Faculty of Education at Ain Shams University. These three factors include laws and regulations organizing the procurement of ICT in public universities in general and in the Faculty in particular, the organizational structure of the Faculty, in which the position of ICT can be determined, and the administrative and decision-making mechanisms that help distribute ICT across the departments of the faculty and the determinants that govern the execution of decisions related to ICT. The study conducted interviews with the dean (provost) of the faculty, the three vice-deans (vice-provosts) and seventeen heads of faculty departments and secretaries. The study revealed that the current elected faculty administration has shown real progress. After the election of the new administration, distribution of technologies was carried out according to new demands that priority should be given to departments that had not gotten equipment in the previous year. Under the elected administration, the storekeeper himself calls the departments and informs their secretaries that the shipment of ICT is ready for distribution according to the needs of the departments.
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