The Social well-being of teachers during their training: the role of citizenship and participation
In recent years, it has been evidenced the implications that educational institutions and professionals may have in the construction of new societies with greater civic commitment and social well-being. In this sense, different factors related to the citizen participation conception and exercise are associated with higher levels of social well-being, ranking as an aspect to be considered from teacher training. The study quantitatively analyzed the levels of social well-being, civic commitment and socio-political participation of 583 future teachers, aged between 17 and 42 years, who were studying different teacher training levels. The results show differences in the variables studied according to the future teachers’ formative stage, with higher levels in postgraduate degrees than in undergraduate degrees. In addition, civic commitment and participation of teachers in training are positioned as predictors of their social well-being. It is concluded that to advance through education towards citizenship with greater civic commitment and social well-being, it will be great considering the training teachers process, as well as their different ways of understanding and exercising citizenship.
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