A Qualitative Study of Interracial Dating Among College Students


  • Stephanie Firebaugh Rose Purdue University
  • Michael W. Firmin Cedarville University





We present the results of a qualitative research study involving interracial dating on a university campus. We conducted semi-structured interviews with 20 college students (10 couples) who currently were involved in interracial dating relationships. Participants repeatedly told us of experiences they had relating to public interaction. These involved dynamics relating to religion, friends and acquaintances, and prejudice and discrimination incidences. Additionally, themes emerged relating to the couple’s interpersonal relationships. These included their own reactions to discriminatory behavior, being thick-skinned about their interracial status, interracial sensitivity experienced by the African-American partner, and experiences of shared culture connectedness. Finally, the couples related common suggestions for future couples who consider interracial dating.


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Author Biographies

Stephanie Firebaugh Rose, Purdue University

Department of Psychology

Michael W. Firmin, Cedarville University

Professor of Psychology


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How to Cite

Rose, S. F., & Firmin, M. W. (2013). A Qualitative Study of Interracial Dating Among College Students. International Journal of Sociology of Education, 2(1), 67–92. https://doi.org/10.4471/rise.2013.22




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