Survey the Influence of the Creativity Teaching Model on Teachers' Knowledge, Attitude, and Teaching Skills


  • Afzal Sadat Hoseini faculty of psychology & Education of Tehran



Creativity is a Devine gift and each individual has a certain amount of this gift. Teachers, as one of the most important training and education elements, have a key role in nourishing creativity. The teachers attitude toward creativity, their level of understanding of it, and also their type of attitude and teaching method have direct relationship on enriching the class environment for students' growth of creativity. Therefore it is necessary to help the teachers gain the attitude and skills for the growth of the students; creativity ability.

In order to assess how creativity is taught in elementary school period, 120 instructors were participating(60 instructors in a test group and 60 instructors in a control group). The test group became involved in "teaching of creativity" program so that the impact of the program and training model on instructors ' knowledge, attitude, and skill would be assessed. The results were examined through T test and showed that there is significant difference between the two groups_ the "test group" and the "control group".

The results stated the positive impact of the training period . a set of suggestions have been made for the growth of students; creativity based on the finding this research.


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How to Cite

Hoseini, A. S. (2014). Survey the Influence of the Creativity Teaching Model on Teachers’ Knowledge, Attitude, and Teaching Skills. International Journal of Sociology of Education, 3(2), 106–117.


