Case Study Of The Impact Of The Learning Communities Project On Increasing The Employability Of The Roma Population In Situations Of Social Inequality
Scientific literature shows the impact of the educational project of 'Schools of Learning Communities' (SLC) in developing socio-personal competencies and a better and longer academic career in vulnerable groups belonging to the Roma people. A wide field of literature points out the correlation of these factors with increased employability. However, more research needs to be done to analyze the results of the SLC in increasing the employability of participating Roma people. Through a single case study, this research identifies the impact of a CoA, where 88% of its members belong to the Roma community in a situation of social inequality, on increasing their employability. A communicative approach methodology was used to carry out this analysis. The research techniques applied were 6 communicative stories to 3 women and 3 men belonging to the Roma community at risk of exclusion and 2 dialogic discussion groups to 5 school professionals. Taking employability indicators collected in the scientific literature as a reference, the data show to what extent the project is improving the employability of these 6 Roma people and what actions significantly impact said impact.
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