Survey of Sexual Harassment to Students at Indonesia University







The government's task force for preventing and handling sexual violence (PPKS Task Force) is not evenly available in all Indonesian universities. This research used convenience sampling techniques; the sample comprised 1026 students from 157 universities in 28 provinces in Indonesia. An exploratory study was conducted from 2022–2023. Quantitative survey data was analyzed using descriptive statistics with an ex post facto approach. In more detail, the research will examine the impact and conflicting gaps of victims and bystanders in dealing with sexual harassment behavior in Indonesian universities based on gender and culture, including Gap Contradiction. This is considered important as a coping strategy for the need to handle sexual harassment among students in Indonesia. The data from this research can be a consideration for universities in Indonesia in the urgency of realizing the availability of a PPKS task force, developing an advocacy system for handling and empowerment services and regulations, and providing student assistance facilities.


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How to Cite

Fazny, B. Y., Saputra, R., Aziz, A., & Alfaiz, A. (2024). Survey of Sexual Harassment to Students at Indonesia University . International Journal of Sociology of Education, 13(2), 96–119.


