The Non-Neutrality in Social Education: Positioning of Catalan Public Universities on Gender Violence


  • Ginés Puente Jaume I University, Comparative Social History
  • Sara Carbonell University Rovira i Virgili





Through a discursive analysis using proposals from Feminist Action-Participation Research and Communicative Methodology, the idea of neutrality and non-neutrality in Catalan public universities will be examined, generally, and in the Social Education degrees and their relationship with gender violence, specifically. It is emphasized that the supposed neutrality in social education is fictitious, as various factors such as the beliefs and values of the teaching staff, the political system, ideologies, available resources, and the country's context influence the curricular content, how it is taught, how students interpret it, and how they apply it to their lives. In this sense, the need to work towards offering a variety of perspectives and fostering critical thinking in students is proposed. Likewise, the importance of actions and awareness going hand in hand is suggested to reverse the situation and address the need to improve training to prevent gender violence.


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Author Biography

Ginés Puente, Jaume I University, Comparative Social History

Departament of History.  PhD student


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How to Cite

Puente, G., & Carbonell, S. (2024). The Non-Neutrality in Social Education: Positioning of Catalan Public Universities on Gender Violence. International Journal of Sociology of Education, 13(1), 43–61.


