Social conflicts in the educational field: A conceptual model for understand this problematic in contemporary societies.


  • Cristóbal Villalobos Universidad Diego Portales





This article presents a conceptual model for studying educational conflicts in contemporary societies. Based on the notions of Bourdieu´s habitus and field, educational conflict is meant as a historical process, which is logical, characteristics and forms of development that are not necessarily identical to the processes that precede these conflicts are understood and, moreover, is understood as a social relationship between actors who are strongly determined by the structure in which they find themselves. From this idea, two distinctive aspects of educational conflicts are distinguished: The scale and the tool of conflict, from which emerge four ideal types of conflict: i) to functiong; ii) to meaning; iii) to position and; iv) to power. Thus, conceptuals elements for theoretical and empirical research on conflict in education field are delivered, promoting the analysis of this phenomenon as a way of relation the educational field with the structure of the society and the agency of actors.



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Author Biography

Cristóbal Villalobos, Universidad Diego Portales

Center for Comparative Education Policies


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How to Cite

Villalobos, C. (2015). Social conflicts in the educational field: A conceptual model for understand this problematic in contemporary societies. International Journal of Sociology of Education, 4(1), 49–68.




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