Teachers' Self-efficacy and Job Pressure in Response to general requirements in the new educational curriculum in Vietnam
Teachers' self-efficacy perception has played an important role in supporting them in adapting well to new changes at work. One hundred fifty-eight high school Vietnamese teachers voluntarily participated in this study. Teachers' self-efficacy scale was used in this study. The scale was translated into Vietnamese, and quantitative data was collected via online questionnaires. Qualitative data was gathered during open-ended questions about teachers' specific pressure from changes in the general education curriculum in Vietnam integrated into the survey. Factor analysis confirmed the appropriateness of the teacher's self-efficacy scale in the context of Vietnamese teachers. The pressure decreased when teachers had confidence in the effectiveness of the strategies used in teaching. In addition, three other specific items were found that caused pressure on teachers regarding the changing of the new curriculum. The conclusions have contributed practical significance to studies of teachers' self-efficacy in the multicultural context. These have also made a theoretical contribution to the studies on teachers' self-efficacy in the new requirements that need to be met in changes in educational programs.
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