“Teachers’ Impact on the Implementation of Human Rights Education in International Indian Schools in Kuwait


  • Radhika Lakshminarayanan Independent Researcher
  • Suzana Košir University of Maribor





With globalization, the establishment of private international schools has increased, particularly in nations with large migrant populations. These schools are affiliated to accreditation bodies from their respective country of origin for curriculum and assessment, although they may also be subject to certain norms within host countries. This duality alludes that students’ knowledge is largely dependent on the teacher who effectuates the official curriculum defined by the accrediting institution into the actual curriculum within the classroom. Although this reflects on all courses taught, it has wider implications in the effectiveness of Human rights education (HRE). This paper investigates key factors that determine the effective implementation of HRE by teachers in international schools, using the case study of Indian schools in Kuwait. By developing the 3I model (Introduction, Interpretation, and Implementation), the researchers determined the causative linkages in the structure and effectiveness of school curriculum for HRE, measured with exploratory factor analysis and structural equation modelling. The results indicate that human rights are not adequately addressed in the official curriculum and the teacher’s own knowledge and comprehension of human rights influences the application of HRE in the actual curriculum, which may present scope for bias and subjectivity.


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How to Cite

Lakshminarayanan , R., & Košir, S. (2023). “Teachers’ Impact on the Implementation of Human Rights Education in International Indian Schools in Kuwait. International Journal of Sociology of Education, 12(2), 165–195. https://doi.org/10.17583/rise.11827


