The Moral Disconnection as a Mediator Between Aggressiveness and Cyberbullying in Schoolchildren




Several research studies have investigated the relationship between students’ satisfaction and cultural environment given that university students are more persuaded to act pro environmentally as they partake in different activities, debates on the global crisis. This study focuses on international students’ satisfaction on-campus cultural environment, living, learning experience about the quality of education and available facilities. A questionnaire-based cross-sectional systemic survey where n=119 foreign students were targeted for data collection using the strategy of non-probability convenience sampling. For data processing, SPSS v 22.0 was adopted and P≤0.05 was considered statically significant. In order to explore the relationship between variables, the Kruskal-Wallis H and Mann Whitney U tests were carried out.  The results show that high level of foreign students’ satisfaction for adequate accommodation, influence of Chinese culture and quality of education. This study evaluated that the overall better level of satisfaction in cultural, living, standard of education, learning system, cost of accommodation, and sports. Moreover, these findings will also be helpful to the policy makers of higher education, administrators pertinent to educational governance.


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How to Cite

Dominguez-Vergara, J., Santa-Cruz-Espinoza, H., Chávez-Ventura , G., & Ybañez-Carranza , J. (2023). The Moral Disconnection as a Mediator Between Aggressiveness and Cyberbullying in Schoolchildren. International Journal of Sociology of Education, 12(1), 1–24.


