Companies on Thin Ice Due to Digital Transformation: The Role of Digital Skills and Human Characteristics


  • Nóra Dr. Obermayer Department of Management, Institute of Management, Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Pannonia
  • Tibor Dr. Csizmadia Department of Management, Institute of Management, Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Pannonia
  • Zsuzsanna Dr. Banász Department of Economics, Institute of Economics, Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Pannonia




The aim of the research is to provide a survey-based result on the individual digital skills and human characteristics of the workforce influenced by digital transformation. The online questionnaire is completed by managers and white collar workers of Hungarian manufacturing companies in spring 2021 (n=489). Descriptive statistics and relationship tests are used for analysing the results. The main findings are: (1) digital transformation reduced the demand for human labour, the workforces have basic digital skills used in a few parts of companies, and the digital transformation has increased the challenge in the lack of digital skills of the workforce. (2) Human characteristics are important as an impact of the digital transformation. (3) The size of the companies influences human characteristics changed as a result of the digital transformation. Managers have to focus on improving human and digital skills of the workforces needed in increasingly digital work environments, therefore providing adequate training is an urgent need while companies undergo digital transformation. The study investigates an important socio-technical phenomena determining how digital transformation places specific demands on individual digital skills. Significant human characteristics such as critical thinking, complex problem solving, adaptability, resilience and creativity are essential to successfully exploit the digital transformation.


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How to Cite

Dr. Obermayer, N., Dr. Csizmadia, T., & Dr. Banász, Z. (2022). Companies on Thin Ice Due to Digital Transformation: The Role of Digital Skills and Human Characteristics . International and Multidisciplinary Journal of Social Sciences, 11(3), 88–118.


