Special Issue

Approaching the Coronavirus crisis from the social sciences 

Coordination: Elisabeth Torras, University of Barcelona (etorras@ub.edu), Garazi Lopez de Agileta,  University of Wisconsin-Madison (lopezdeaguil@wisc.edu)

Issue published July, 30 2020. 

Editorial: Contributions from Social Sciences to COVID-19 Pandemic 

López de Aguileta, G., & Torras-Gómez, E. 

First published 15 July 2020. http://doi.org/10.17583/rimcis.2020.6160


False News Around COVID-19 Circulated Less On Sina Weibo Than On Twitter. How To Overcome False Information? 

Pulido Rodríguez, C.Villarejo Carballido, B.Redondo-Sama, G., Guo, M., Ramis, M., & Flecha, R. 

First published 13 April 2020. http://doi.org/10.17583/rimcis.2020.5386


The Concept Of Human2Human In The Response To COVID-19

Almeida, F. 

First published 2 June 2020.  http://doi.org/10.17583/rimcis.2020.5524 

Aprender A Ser Docente Sin Estar En Las Aulas: La COVID-19 Como Amenaza Al Desarrollo Profesional Del Futuro Profesorado

González-Calvo, G., Barba-Martín, R.A., Bores-García, D., Gallego-Lema, V. 

First published 29 June 2020. http://doi.org/10.17583/rimcis.2020.5783


The Effects of COVID 19 Process on Health Care Workers: Analysing of the Relationships between Optimism, Job Stress and Emotional Exhaustion

Özdemir, S., & Kerse, G.

First published 30 June 2020. http://doi.org/10.17583/rimcis.2020.5849

* Due to the importance for humanity of publishing evidence on how to overcome the challenges that COVID-19 poses, this Special Issue will not apply the journal's regulations that don't allow more than one publication with the same authorship/co-authorship within a 24 month period.