Use of ChatGTP and generative AI tool

If you have used a generative AI tool such as ChatGPT to prepare your submission, please clearly identify AI-generated content in the text and acknowledge its use in the acknowledgements section.

Note that AI bots such as ChatGPT should not be listed as authors.

Submissions that do not disclose the use of AI tools such as ChatGPT may be rejected. In some cases, we may ask authors to acknowledge the use of these tools or to add details in the methods section. Corrective action will be taken in published articles where the use of such tools has not been disclosed.

This policy is likely to evolve as we work with our editorial partners to understand how emerging technologies may help or hinder the process of preparing research for publication. Check back to this page for the latest information.

Please also see the World Association of Medical Editors (WAME) recommendations on chat bots, ChatGPT, and scholarly manuscripts.