The Effects of COVID 19 on Health Care Workers: Analysing of the Interaction between Optimism, Job Stress and Emotional Exhaustion
This research has focused on determining the levels of optimism, stress and emotional exhaustion of health care workers related to COVID-19 and the effect of optimism directly and indirectly (through job stress) on emotional exhaustion caused by Covid-19. The data were collected through an online questionnaire with optimism, job stress and emotional exhaustion scales arranged according to COVID-19. The data collected from 169 health care workers working in a city in Turkey were analysed using different statistical programs. The findings obtained has shown that the employees are quite optimistic in this process, and they have also experienced stress and emotional exhaustion even though their levels are lower than optimism. Also, it has been determined that being optimistic despite COVID-19 affects emotional exhaustion caused by COVID-19 both directly and indirectly through work stress. Therefore, the level of optimism in this process has reduced the emotional exhaustion caused by COVID-19; however, this decrease was felt stronger through stress. These findings have contributed to both healthcare managers and relevant official institutions, and to researches related to COVID-19.
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