Learning to be a teacher without being in the classroom: COVID-19 as a threat to the professional development of future teachers
Teachers in initial training who attend the Practicum find, in this period, a meaning for the teaching profession, awakening a reflective and critical attitude about what and how they do things, and therefore, shaping their teaching identity. However, in recent months, the training situation of future teachers has taken a turn due to the health crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The study carried out focused on inquiring, through a narrative research, how university students have perceived the period of practices they carried out through virtual teaching, as a consequence of the current health crisis. Among other results, the evidence showed that students developed insecurity feelings, melancholy and uncertainty in light of the new learning processes. On the other hand, by losing on-site classroom attendance and with it the essence of the practices, the training potential of the Practicum and the teaching professional identity of the students have been affected during these months, consequences that could affect their future professional practices.
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