The Concept Of Human2Human In The Response To COVID-19
Civil society, business, and local authorities in Portugal have come together to seek solutions to the challenges posed by COVID-19. This study intends to explore the relevance of these initiatives through five case studies that allow us to understand how these initiatives are organized, to identify the convergent and divergent points between them, and to explore the role of information and communication technologies in these projects. Furthermore, another fundamental objective is to understand how the Human2Human paradigm is implemented in practice and to analyze its relevance as responses to the challenges posed by COVID-19. The results of this study enabled the identification of a set of diversified projects with high impact for professionals who are in the front line in the fight against COVID-19 and for the most vulnerable population, particularly the elderly. This study is especially relevant from a practical point of view by exploring the relevance of these initiatives, by highlighting the need for collaborative work and in multidisciplinary teams, and by encouraging their replication to other countries.Downloads
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