Intervention in organizational culture and its effects on users of public sports services






Public sports organizations provide services with the objective of generating benefits for the population. In the realization of these services, the technical-user interaction is one of the essential aspects, being the organizational culture the element that allows improving the performance of workers and that materializes in an increase in user satisfaction. The aim was to find out how a proposed intervention on organizational culture carried out with workers translates into users' evaluations and their future behavioral intentions. The study group consisted of 3985 users and 388 workers of public sports services, divided into two groups, control and experimental. A descriptive and quasi-experimental study was carried out, with an intervention on the control group of workers. The repeated measures method of the general linear model was used to test for differences in the dependent variables and the effect size was calculated. The results showed that an increase in the organizational culture of the workers corresponded to an increase in the perceived value, satisfaction and loyalty of the users. In conclusion, the improvement of the organizational culture of sports services has a positive effect on users' conative, attitudinal and behavioral variables.


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How to Cite

Dueñas-Dorado, L. A., Fernández-Martínez, A. ., Nuviala-Nuviala , R., & Nuviala-Nuviala , A. (2024). Intervention in organizational culture and its effects on users of public sports services. International and Multidisciplinary Journal of Social Sciences, 13(3), 258–276.


