Abortion Perceptions and Practices Among Traditional Healers in Peru
Globally, people resort to traditional methods and healers for pregnancy termination; however, research focusing on traditional healers’ perspectives about abortion are scarce. The objective of this qualitative study is to explore the perspectives and practices of traditional healers in Peru in relation to abortion. In-depth interviews were carried out with 20 traditional healers in the Piura Department in 2018. Participants recognized that women in their community seek menstrual regulation services given delayed menses or “retenciones” and acknowledged that pregnancy might or might not be the cause of menstrual delays. While most participants confirmed that they perform menstrual regulations, the majority denied practicing abortion services. This study shows the key role that traditional healers play in supporting their communities' sexual and reproductive health and acknowledges their perspectives and concerns in relation to abortion. It is essential that traditional medicine is respected and honored while developing strategies to eradicate the abortion stigma.
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