Scientific Evidence of Social Impact to Eliminate Abuse: The PCCP Project of the Society of Jesus







Article 27 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that everyone has the right to benefit from scientific knowledge. In the case of the social problem of sexual abuse, we already have scientific knowledge about what actions are most effective in prevention and response. The application of this knowledge is an indispensable tool to make real the commitment of the Catholic Church to support victims of sexual abuse in ecclesial contexts and to effectively prevent this grave adverse experience to occur again. This article claims the importance that safeguarding work in the Church has social impact. It examens the need to base safeguarding work in the Church on scientific evidence of social impact, dismantles myths regarding sexual abuse perpetrated by clergy and non-clergy in the Church and outside, and shares Successful Actions in safeguarding. As pioneer of this scientific and social impact approach in safeguarding in the Church, the article also presents the worldwide strategy of the Jesuits to eliminate abuse: The Promotion of a Consistent Culture of Protection Project (PCCP). This large-scale project is already drawing a new path for society at large toward a world free from abuse.


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How to Cite

Racionero-Plaza, S., & Guiney, J. . (2024). Scientific Evidence of Social Impact to Eliminate Abuse: The PCCP Project of the Society of Jesus. International and Multidisciplinary Journal of Social Sciences, 13(2), 155–172.


