Challenges of a Digitalising World in the Light of an International Survey


  • Andrea Bencsik Janos Selye University






In recent years, the use of high-level IT systems and the digitalisation of organisational processes has become increasingly important in business organisations. This means that digitalisation is one of the most frequently mentioned objectives in the development of organisations. This study aims to examine how well-prepared organisations are on the path towards these goals and how can organisational culture help. The quantitative international research involved 692 respondents in 34 countries across 6 continents. Responses were assessed using SPSS software. The results show that an organisational culture that is open to change and based on trust supports digital transformation processes, leadership attitudes, human responses and interactions. Regardless of geographical location and economic performance, organisations face similar challenges and there are no marked differences internationally in terms of preparedness for digital transformation. The characteristics of the learning organisation culture studied have the greatest impact on leadership behaviour and the least influence on the digital tools used.


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How to Cite

Bencsik, A. (2024). Challenges of a Digitalising World in the Light of an International Survey. International and Multidisciplinary Journal of Social Sciences, 13(2), 132–154.


