Analysis of the Relational Integration Process of Migrants in Spain: The Ethnic Factor
This research will analyse the role of social networks in the process of relational integration of the immigrant population in Spain. This study will examine how the ethnic factor of the network conditions its process of incorporation into the primary groups of the host society. To do this, an indicator is developed that allows us to identify the ethnic concentration of the network, distinguishing between ethnic, mixed, and native networks. Applying a correspondence analysis, we then identify those variables that influence the relational evolution of social networks. The main conclusions point to the fact that immigrant networks do not evolve naturally towards assimilated networks, but that what takes place is a process of network enlargement. Thus, mixed networks are the most common way of developing links with natives. Moreover, in this case, the passage of time in the host country or generation does not seem to determine access to native networks, but rather the possession of or membership in these networks seems to be explained by structural factors such as educational level and professional occupation.
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