Beginning of the Course of the Catalan Universities towards the COVID-19: Evidence versus Negligence


  • Carme Garcia Yeste Universitat Rovira i Virgili
  • Ane López de Aguileta Universitat de Barcelona
  • Elena Duque Universitat de Barcelona
  • Maria Padrós Cuxart Universitat de Barcelona




There is an extensive literature on the importance of the use of scientific evidence on teaching methods in higher education institutions. However, there is a gap in how evidence is used for decision making that affects students and staff in universities. This article is a contribution to the existing gap, making the analysis of a specific case on how Catalan universities have managed the decision making regarding their staff in the face of the pandemic situation with the COVID-19. In this article, through the interview with managers and faculty from different Catalan universities, it will be shown to what extent these university institutions have opted for decision making in the management of the situation based on scientific evidence or simply compliance with government regulations.


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How to Cite

Garcia Yeste, C., López de Aguileta, A., Duque, E., & Padrós Cuxart, M. . (2022). Beginning of the Course of the Catalan Universities towards the COVID-19: Evidence versus Negligence. International and Multidisciplinary Journal of Social Sciences, 11(3), 60–87.




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