A Systematic Review of the Current Status of Research on the Quality of Life and Well-Being of Institutionalized Older Adults in Spain
The review question being considered in this article aims to study the research on quality of life and well-being of older adults residing in nursing homes in Spain, and the elements that address quality of life or its measurement in important aspects. The following databases were used: Scopus, Web of Science, ProQuest, Wiley online library, PubMed, EBSCOhost, ERIC, Emerald, and Dialnet plus. This review was reported according to the PRISMA guidelines. "Thematic Synthesis Analysis" was used to analyze the studies. Of the initial 1231 studies, a total of 18 studies, which met the eligibility inclusion and critical appraisal criteria, were analyzed. We note the lack of unicity of measurement criteria, as well as the need to generate a single scale defining the basic characteristics and essential factors that identify the quality of life. Further research and an integrated model of personalized quality of life, adapted to residents, is required.
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