Generation Z and Intention to Travel: Effects of the Perception of COVID-19
Previous studies have investigated the effects of the coronavirus pandemic on different aspects of tourism behaviour. However, research on a specific generational group, Generation Z, is still limited. This exploratory study aims to examine, for members of this generation, the effect of the perceived risk of COVID-19 and non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPI) on their intention to travel and, in turn, whether this intention influences their willingness to pay extra to benefit from additional safety measures. With this approach, a Structural Equations methodology has been applied based on 629 surveys received and using SmartPLS 3.0 to analyse them. The results showed that the higher the travel intention of Gen Z, the higher the individual's willingness to pay for additional security measures, the perceived risk of COVID-19 positively influences the NPI taken and in turn, these NPI influence a higher travel intention. However, the authors have not found a significant effect between the perceived risk and Gen Z's intention to travel. Finally, they discuss the theoretical and practical implications of the results, providing suggestions for the recovery of Gen Z tourism after the pandemic.
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