Teacher Education and Black Male Students in the United States


  • H. Richard Milner University of Pittsburgh
  • Amber Pabon University of Pittsburgh
  • Ashley Woodson University of Pittsburgh
  • Ebony McGee Vanderbilt University





Teacher education programs in the United States (U.S.) struggle to prepare teachers to meet the complex needs of elementary and secondary students in public schools - especially those of color, those living in poverty, and those whose first language is not English. In this article, we argue for focused attention on preparing educators to teach African American male students as these students face particular institutional challenges in successfully navigating the U.S. public school system. Drawing from the significant body of research on teacher education and teacher learning for equity and social justice, four Black teacher educators discuss challenges they have faced in classes designed to prepare teachers to teach Black male students. Through an analysis of commonalities in their experiences, they propose means for teacher educators to foster greater understandings of the heterogeneity found among Black male students so that teachers can craft more responsive and responsible educational experiences for Black males.


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How to Cite

Milner, H. R., Pabon, A., Woodson, A., & McGee, E. (2013). Teacher Education and Black Male Students in the United States. Multidisciplinary Journal of Educational Research, 3(3), 235–265. https://doi.org/10.4471/remie.2013.15


