School Principal Leadership, Teachers’ Commitment and Morale in Remote Elementary Schools of Indonesia


  • Basilius Redan Werang Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha




This study was intended to explain how principal’s leadership predicts organizational commitment and morale of teachers within the remote elementary schools of Southern Papua, Indonesia. This study was guided by two problem statements as the following: (a) does the principal’s leadership significantly positively predicts the organizational commitment of teachers within the remote elementary schools of Southern Papua, Indonesia? and (b) does the principal’s leadership significantly positively predicts the morale of teachers within the remote elementary schools of Southern Papua, Indonesia? Three surveys using a four-point Likert scale were administered to 376 teachers, conveniently induced from amongst the remote elementary school teachers of Southern Papua. Using the SPSS as the tool of data analysis, this study showed that the organizational commitment and morale within the remote elementary schools of Southern Papua, Indonesia, were significantly positively predicted by the principal’s leadership. The result of this study would be advisable for the government of Southern Papua, Indonesia, to create different programs of providing principals with the suitable knowledge and skills to effectively promote teachers teaching commitment and morale. Well-educated and trained school principals will be able to inspire all the school elements to continuously improve the learning of all.


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How to Cite

Werang, B. R. (2023). School Principal Leadership, Teachers’ Commitment and Morale in Remote Elementary Schools of Indonesia. Multidisciplinary Journal of Educational Research, 13(3), 325–347.


