"No one will criticize you": Keys for Egalitarian Participation in Dialogic Literary Gatherings
There is an international consensus on the importance of ensuring the equal participation of all learners, including those with special needs. Decades of research have shown that dialogue and interactions are key in learning and development. However, less is known about how to ensure equal participation in a context with diverse students. This study implements an educational practice based on interaction and dialogue that has been shown to favor educational success in different contexts (Dialogic Literary Gatherings). Specifically, it explores in depth the case of a school in which 18 observations were carried out in Secondary Education, 2 interviews with teachers and a Discussion Group with students. The results of the study indicate that the Dialogic Literary Gatherings guarantee equal participation, making all students, even those who do not participate in other contexts, feel more confident to intervene, to listen actively and respect the contributions of their peers, and to learn from the contributions of their classmates.
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