#aquiproubullying Intervention Program in Compulsory Secondary Education. Results of a Preliminary Study
Bullying and cyberbullying are phenomena that regularly appear in schools and cause physical, emotional and behavioral problems in victims. A public center in Barcelona with students from Compulsory Secondary Education (ESO) implemented the #aquiproubullying program proposed by Generalitat de Catalunya and its purpose was to verify the effect it had on its students (N=342) before and after the intervention, with EBIPQ (bullying) and ECIPQ (cyberbullying) questionnaires. A quasi-experimental design was applied with an independent variable (IV), the educational intervention; a descriptive design to study the scores of the EBIPQ and ECIPQ questionnaires and an associative design to study the relationships between the variables. The intervention did not reduce the perception of bullying in schoolchildren, although a reduction in cyberbullying aggression was detected among students from second to third year of ESO. In addition, associations were found between victimizing behaviors in bullying and cyberbullying and between victimization and aggressiveness. The authors point out the need to maintain these educational programs, although the data do not corroborate the full effectiveness in the short term in all bullying and cyberbullying behaviors.
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