Humour-based Learning: From the Lens of Adolescents





Along with its psychological, physical and social benefits, humour has proved undeniably useful in educational contexts especially for the last sixty years. In order to close the research gap in Turkey, the current study scrutinized secondary school students’ views on the educational use of humour. Accordingly, 525 students attending state secondary schools were administered the Educational Humour Scale (EHS) in order to see whether they significantly differ in their related views regarding gender and types of schools they were attending. Their responses were qualitatively analysed through Nvivo 9, and codes, sub-codes and themes were formed based on the analysis results. An approximate consensus has been reached on the idea that use of humour is profoundly beneficial in education. The statistical findings have revealed that the students do not significantly differ in their views on the use of humour in education with respect to gender and types of schools they attend (p>.05). The study ends with a few practical implications on the findings and suggestions for further research.



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Author Biographies

Serkan Unsal, Kahramanmaras Sutcu Imam University

Serkan Unsal received her his MA and PhD in Educational Sciences from Kahramanmaras Sutcu Imam University and Gaziantep University, repsectively. He currently works as an assistant professor at Faculty of Education, Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam University, Turkey. His research interests include educational sociology, educational sciences and teacher training.

Reyhan Aggam, Kahramanmaras Sutcu Imam University

Reyhan Ağçam received her MA and PhD in ELT from Çukurova University, Turkey. She currently works as an assistant professor at Faculty of Education, Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam University, Turkey. Her research interests include language teaching, second language acquisition, academic writing and corpus linguistics.


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How to Cite

Unsal, S., Aggam, R., & Aydemir, M. (2018). Humour-based Learning: From the Lens of Adolescents. Multidisciplinary Journal of Educational Research, 8(1), 29–55.


