Developing Attitudes towards Human Rights through Socioscientific Issues in Science Courses: An Action Research


  • Ahmet Doğanay Çukurova University
  • Ayşe Öztürk Gaziantep University




This study, aiming at developing attitudes towards human rights through socioscientific issues in science courses, was designed as an action research. The study covers 28-week implementation on 26 8th grade students. Data were collected through printed documents, human rights attitude scale (HRAS), unstructured observation, and teacher and student diaries. Qualitative data of the study were analyzed via content analysis. Statistical analysis was carried out for the change in HRAS scores. Study findings indicated that students developed understanding and attitude towards many human rights within the scope of first, second and third generation rights in science courses through practices based on socioscientific issues. HRAS scores increased at a significant rate as well. Moreover, it was also stated that problems of meaning-making, suggesting ideas which do not comply with human rights and insisting were encountered. 


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How to Cite

Doğanay, A., & Öztürk, A. (2019). Developing Attitudes towards Human Rights through Socioscientific Issues in Science Courses: An Action Research. Multidisciplinary Journal of Educational Research, 7(3), 253–286.


