Lecturers' Perceptions on the Effectiveness of In-Service Training Programs at Selected Public Sector Organisations in Namibia
The training programs, irrespective of their scopes and time frames, aims to enrich the skills, knowledge level and attitude of participants so that they eventually enhance organizational performance. The training institution investigated in this study did not have a training evaluation policy at its inception. Hence, the aim of this paper is to report on the lecturers’ views on the effectiveness of in-service training at one of the public sector organization in Namibia. The study adopted a quantitative approach and a total of 32 academic staff participated in it. The results indicate that the majority of respondents are of the view that the institution does not conduct training need assessments. They also expressed that the in-service training programs provided by the institution do not empower them to become better teachers. It is thus recommended that the institution provides in-service training programs that specifically improve lecturers’ pedagogical skills in this regard.
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