Formal Education Effect on the Production of Causal and Counter-causal Relations: Psycholinguistic Evidence for the Educational Field
In order to promote the practical application of psycholinguistic data in educational fields and expecting that this transfer would enhance the development of both the pedagogical field and the investigation in experimental psycholinguistics, we present two experiments to analyse the production of semantic relations in discourse, especially the causality/countercausality dimension. We found that the pattern of causal advantage is cross-wise and consistent in subjects with different levels of formal education, so it could be a suitable scaffold to develop other aspects of discourse comprehension and production. We compare our results with previous findings about discourse comprehension and interpret the data in the framework of educational processes. To use of empirical evidence about language processing on educational fields allows not only to review specific issues such as the characteristics of teaching materials, but also to improve educational process in a comprehensive way, making possible to adapt different approaches to populations with different characteristics.Downloads
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