Bullying and Gender. Prevention from School Organization


  • Elena Duque Sanchez Universitat de Girona
  • Joan Teixido Universitat de Girona




Homophobia, biphobia, transphobia and gender violence in sexual-affective relationships appear frequently in the bases of bullying. The educational centres are more conscious about this reality and look for actions to prevent and eradicate this kind of violence. At the same time, international research states that bullying prevention needs a re-organization of the educational centre incorporating the work of all the educational community (students, family, teachers, etc.). In this article we gather data on bullying and its connection to gender, part of the Spanish legislation related to this problem is analysed and we conducted an international literature review. The main contribution of this article is to present orientations and actions that prevent and contribute to eradicate gender violence and violence for homophobia, biphobia and transphobia through the school organization and school management. Some of these actions are inclusive education, democratization of the centres, making visible and not trivializing violence, and mainly the community participation and active positioning of all the community against bullying and in favour of the victims.


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Author Biographies

Elena Duque Sanchez, Universitat de Girona

Departamento de Pedagogía

Joan Teixido, Universitat de Girona

Departamento de Pedagogía


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How to Cite

Duque Sanchez, E., & Teixido, J. (2016). Bullying and Gender. Prevention from School Organization. Multidisciplinary Journal of Educational Research, 6(2), 176–204. https://doi.org/10.17583/remie.2016.2108


