Teacher's Practices under Graduates’ View
Teacher’s practice, permeated by his/her being and doing in the classroom was and remains the subject of study in academia. This article presents the result of a Master Degree’s investigation on Education aimed to identify what are the practices of teachers in a Technical Course in Computing from a town located in the metropolitan area of Porto Alegre under of the view former students. The investigation was a mixed research methodology approach with an exploratory/descriptive goal and a technical ex-post-facto procedure. The research tool was a questionnaire administered to graduates a Technical Course in Computing. Quantitative data was analyzed by descriptive statistics while for the qualitative data we used analysis of content. Among the emerged results, it was observed that graduates with supervised training seem to have a more critical view than the non-supervised training graduates about the activities developed by their teachers. We identified different practices developed by teachers, among them in class assessment without student’s feedback, highlighting the need for improving the assessment practice by the teachers. We observed the need of a teaching more related with the labor market, as well as classes that combine theory with practice.Downloads
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