Mentor-Novice Relationships and Learning to Teach in Teacher Induction: A Critical Review of Research


  • Jian Wang University of Nevada at Las Vegas
  • Lori A. Fulton University of Nevada at Las Vegas




This review examines the influences of teacher-mentor relationships on novice teachers' learning to teach and the program and school contexts shaping this relationship during teacher induction. It reviews systematically four bodies of empirical literature since 1995. They include the studies on the consequences of what mentors and novices do for novices' learning to teach and their student performances, the role of what mentors and novices brought into their relationship that shapes teacher mentoring relationship, the impacts of mentoring programs on mentor-novice relationships, and the influences of school contexts on mentor-novice relationships. The findings, research methodologies, and future directions for research about teacher mentoring relationship are synthesized and discussed in each section and at the end.


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How to Cite

Wang, J., & Fulton, L. A. (2012). Mentor-Novice Relationships and Learning to Teach in Teacher Induction: A Critical Review of Research. Multidisciplinary Journal of Educational Research, 2(1), 56–104.


