Overcoming Gender Stereotypes & Improving Learning through the Participation of the "Other Women" in Schools


  • Carme Garcia Universitat Rovira i Virgili
  • Rosa Larena Universidad de Valladolid
  • Isabel Miró Universitat Rovira i Virgili




This article presents the results of research on how the daily participation of the "Other Women" women without an academic background or from cultural and ethnic minorities contributes to overcoming sexist stereotypes. The study demonstrates that their participation in instrumental learning activities transforms stereotypical beliefs about the skills of women without academic education, immigrant women, or those from cultural minorities. It can also be observed that their participation in decision-making spaces and in learning activities promotes student learning. In short, this study demonstrates that we need to include the "Other Women" into our diverse schools to progress towards the achievement of gender equity in education and society, and to create more positive learning experiences for all children.


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How to Cite

Garcia, C., Larena, R., & Miró, I. (2012). Overcoming Gender Stereotypes & Improving Learning through the Participation of the "Other Women" in Schools. Multidisciplinary Journal of Educational Research, 2(1), 37–55. https://doi.org/10.4471/remie.2012.02


