Bringing a Counter-hegemonic Pedagogy to Scale in Mexican Public Schools


  • Santiago Rincon-Gallardo University of Toronto, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education




How and under what conditions can a counter-hegemonic pedagogy, that is, a pedagogy that is qualitatively distinct from the dominant institutional culture and power relations of schooling, be brought to scale? This paper addresses this question by using the Learning Community Project (LCP) in Mexico as a case study. LCP started in 2004 as a grassroots initiative to promote a pedagogy of tutorial relationships of dialogue and reciprocal learning. This practice disseminated across hundreds of schools in five years and, in 2009, it inspired the creation of a nation-wide strategy to radically transform teaching and learning in nine thousand schools across Mexico. By integrating theory and knowledge on instructional improvement and widespread cultural change, this paper examines the role of a critical community in developing a counterhegemonic pedagogy, and the strategies and conditions that enabled its dissemination in the social, political, and pedagogical arenas.


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How to Cite

Rincon-Gallardo, S. (2015). Bringing a Counter-hegemonic Pedagogy to Scale in Mexican Public Schools. Multidisciplinary Journal of Educational Research, 5(1), 28–54.


