Financial Literacy in Mexican University Students: an Instrument for its Measurement in the Environment of Complexity




Financial literacy is a skill that students must develop in order to cultivate their economic well-being in the medium and long term. This paper presents the design, construction and validation of a literacy measurement scale from the imbrication of complex thinking with the literacies of financial knowledge, behavior and attitude. Content validity was analyzed from the judgment of 13 experts through the application of the Simplified Digital Delphi method and a reliability study was carried out considering 112 university students. The results show a solid internal consistency because the items obtained a Cronbach's alpha greater than 0.8, as well as positive correlations between the dimensions that comprise it. Therefore, it is a valid and reliable instrument that allows the verification of financial knowledge, behaviors, and attitudes. It is suggested that future studies could incorporate variables related to the use of digital financial applications.


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How to Cite

George-Reyes, C. E., Ramírez-Montoya, M. S., Patiño-Zuñiga, I. A., & López-Caudana, E. O. (2024). Financial Literacy in Mexican University Students: an Instrument for its Measurement in the Environment of Complexity. Multidisciplinary Journal of Educational Research, 14(2), 134–157.


