The Effects of Two Direct Instruction Teaching Procedures to Basic Skills to Two Students with Disabilities


  • Annelie Fjortfoft Gonzaga University
  • Thomas McLaughlin Gonzaga University
  • Mark Derby Gonzaga University
  • Mary Everson Spokane Public Schools
  • Kathy Johnson Spokane Public Schools




The first study focused on increasing her ability to identify letters and to write these letters. The research was conducted in a resource room setting located in a public school in a large urban school district. The effects of employing DI flashcards on letter recognition and letter writing were evaluated in a multiple baseline design. Overall the effects of the experiment were positive; the participant improved her accuracy letter identification accuracy and her skills at writing her letters from the alphabet. The time, cost, and effort needed for Experiment I was minimal and the student enjoyed the procedures. A second study was conducted with a first grade boy. We wanted to determine the effectiveness of Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons along with a DI flashcard procedure to improve a first grade student’s ability to identify sounds and sight words within a public school behavior intervention (BI) classroom setting. Overall the effects of the second experiment were also quite positive. The participant improved his accuracy and ability to say the letter-sounds and target words. Suggestions for future research were made.


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Author Biographies

Annelie Fjortfoft, Gonzaga University

Graduate Student in Special Education

Thomas McLaughlin, Gonzaga University

Department of Special Education, Full Professor

Mark Derby, Gonzaga University

Full Professor, Department of Special Education

Mary Everson, Spokane Public Schools

Special Education Teacher, Spokane Public Schools

Kathy Johnson, Spokane Public Schools

Special Education Teacher Spokane Public Schools


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How to Cite

Fjortfoft, A., McLaughlin, T., Derby, M., Everson, M., & Johnson, K. (2014). The Effects of Two Direct Instruction Teaching Procedures to Basic Skills to Two Students with Disabilities. Multidisciplinary Journal of Educational Research, 4(2), 151–181.


