Social impact from bottom-up movements: the case of the Adult School La Verneda-Sant Martí.







There is a remarkable number of papers on community participation and on the debate about its promotion from the institutional power (top-down) or from the citizens themselves (bottom-up). However, there is a gap in the scientific literature on the key elements that achieve social impact with community participation promoted from below (bottom-up). This article presents a case study of the Adult School La Verneda-Sant Martí, which has been in existence for 44 years. Based on the communicative methodology, 5 in-depth interviews have been conducted with people who have participated in the school project. The main finding is that dialogic leadership has been a key element for the social impact of this school.


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Author Biography

Sara Gómez Cuevas, Universitat de Barcelona

Departamento de Sociologia


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How to Cite

Gómez Cuevas, S., & Valls, R. (2022). Social impact from bottom-up movements: the case of the Adult School La Verneda-Sant Martí. Multidisciplinary Journal of Educational Research, 12(3).




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