MOOC, a Tool for Strengthening Mathematical Competencies in Higher Education
Due to the high rates of failure in mathematics, the Department of Basic Sciences of Santo Tomás University - Bucaramanga (USTABUCA), with the support of its Virtual Campus, proposes the design of a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) to help in the development of mathematical competencies and processes that allow students to perform successfully in the Differential Calculus course. The course was designed in four sections: Arithmetic, Algebra, Trigonometry and Geometry, which were structured in lessons with practical exercises and entry and exit tests to check the competencies achieved in each section of the course. To determine the effectiveness of the MOOC and to investigate the students' catching-up potential, a research with a mixed methodological approach was carried out in two stages: a quantitative one with the application of questionnaires and satisfaction surveys and a qualitative one with the application of interviews to students who participated in the MOOC and teachers in charge of the Differential Calculus course. Each of the stages followed a sequential explanatory design; the instruments were applied at different times. The results indicated the relevance of the course to improve students’ catching-up processes and the improvement actions to achieve more meaningful learning experiences.
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