Trends in Research on Didactic Knowledge and Technology Integration in Mathematics Education: A Bibliometric Study
Determining the knowledge and competencies necessary for the effective use of educational technologies in the classroom is a priority for researchers and educators. This bibliometric study addresses the question: What inferences can be drawn about the development and evaluation of teachers' knowledge and competencies from research on the incorporation of technology into mathematical instruction processes, using TPACK and/or DMKC from OSA as theoretical frameworks? A total of 312 articles from Scopus and WoS were analyzed, and thematic coding and connection mapping were performed using Atlas.ti. The first result indicates that the most influential authors utilizing these theoretical frameworks are Font, Breda, and Godino, with Spain serving as the hub of a collaborative network with Latin American countries. The second result suggests that one of the future lines of development/action/research is to seek the integration of both models to determine the knowledge and competencies required by teachers to incorporate technology in the classroom, either generally or for specific content areas. The analysis highlights emerging research areas, such as the knowledge and competencies needed for integrating technology into the teaching and learning process of specific concepts.
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