How can I help my students with learning disabilities in Mathematics?


  • Gracia Jiménez-Fernández University of Granada



Learning Disabilities in Mathematics (LDM) or dyscalculia are a frequent and disruptive problem within schools. Nevertheless, this problem has received little attention from researchers and practitioners, if compared with the number of studies published on disabilities in reading. Therefore, teachers do not have enough guidance to help children overcome their difficulties. Consequently, educators, practitioners and teachers are in need ofsome guidelines which help them choose teaching methods that are adapted for children with LDM. This paper proposes an interventional framework for improving skills in children who show problems in learning basic mathematics. Concretely, it suggests some guidelines which are focused on number sense and problem solving, two of the most important mathematical areas.


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Author Biography

Gracia Jiménez-Fernández, University of Granada


Departamento de Psicología Evolutiva y de la Educación

Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación

Universidad de Granada


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